The prophet Zechariah in the Old Testament had a series of visions, eight of them in one night. These are the fine art graphics that were designed for the study.
VISION ONE: The Four Horsemen
Vision number one reveals the Lord standing in the valley under a grove of myrtle trees, representing His standing with Israel and the Church. The horses represent God's judgment and victory over the nations.
VISION TWO: The Four Horns Four Smiths
Vision number two reveals four horns representing the Gentile nations God used to afflict Israel to get her to return back to Him and the smiths represent the process of their downfall and ultimate demise.
VISION THREE: The Man With The Measuring Line
Vision number three reveals the Lord preparing to measure the city of Jerusalem as a symbolic promise of the return of the Jews to their land with an expansion, to dwell in their midst in His established Kingdom and that His glory would never depart.
VISION FOUR: Joshua Before The Angel Of Jehovah
Vision number four reveals the high priest Joshua standing in the temple performing his priestly duties as the presence of the Lord appears and the accuser, Satan himself, preparing his case. Satan is silenced as the Lord replaces the filthy rags with clean clothes denoting His cleansing of the nation and the restoration of the priesthood.  
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